“The Bible is the proclamation of God’s love, a love without limit and without condition. It is more than a proclamation; it is a proof. For, as John states it, the supreme testimony of His love is in having sent His only Son, in having assumed in Him all our humanity, in all its suffering and isolation, even unto death.”
“The self-denial required by the gospel is not at all a withdrawal into a truncated life of perpetual childhood. Self-denial is the renunciation of a self-directed life, for the very purpose of attaining a far greater fullness under the direction of God…In every passage wherein Jesus speaks of self-denial there was a promise which follows, a promise of riches ‘an hundred-fold.’ Even when He calls us to ‘lose’ our life, He adds that it is in order to save it. It is in order that we may find the real life, the life which is far more fruitful.
Therefore we are faced with the question of life’s fulfillment. It is the law of the greater fulfillment which Christ has given us. Life with God is the greatest adventure imaginable.”