Saturday, June 29, 2024

For This Summer -- The Play’s the Thing!

We have a dramatic reading challenge to offer our bookish friends this summer. And I mean dramatic in its literal sense. For among the novels, histories, theological studies, cultural commentaries, and “pure pleasure reads” that Claire and I tackle, we also enjoy reading plays. And we have included in our reading regimen for the next 2-3 months several of our favorite plays. 

We are inviting friends to go “on stage” with us in this theatrical adventure by selecting 1 or 2 (or more) of the plays in this list to read along with us. Now you know that Claire and I are quite positive about these kinds of reading partnerships because they provide motivation, accountability, and the added bonus of possibly exchanging opinions with like-minded friends. So, for those of you who do choose to read a play or two or more, please use the e-mail or phone to let us know your reactions to the plays. For locals, we could even arrange to get together over coffee. 

And, by the way, as a special incentive, we are offering a sweet reward for everyone who is successful in reading six or more of the plays from our list; namely, Bakers Candies or Claire’s chocolate chip cookies! You can’t beat that kind of deal.

Here are the plays we will be reading:

Our Town by Thornton Wilder

 A Man for All Seasons by Robert Bolt

Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe

Sentenced to Life by Malcolm Muggeridge

You Can’t Take It with You by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart.

Abortion by Eugene O’Neill

The Doctor and the Devils (a screenplay) by Dylan Thomas. 

In addition to these, we will also be reading 3 of Shakespeare’s history plays (Antony & Cleopatra, Henry V, and Julius Caesar) and 3 plays by James Barrie (Peter Pan, Quality Street, and The Admirable Crichton.)