Monday, April 17, 2023

Let the Adventure Begin...Again

Earlier tonight I finished re-reading Charles Dickens extremely moving novel (“moving” in more ways than one), The Old Curiosity Shop, and was delighted to see that I enjoyed it, admired it, and appreciated it as much as previous readings. It’s a terrific read.

And so I had to decide what was next. That meant several anticipatory minutes browsing through my library shelves. Would it be Dumas? Sabatini? Chesterton? A history book? 

And then as I passed by the shelves where my best “old friends” await my attentions, I remembered it was April, the month in which Bilbo Baggins unwontedly hosts Gandalf and his dwarf friends for breakfast. Aha! 

And so I’m off again on one of my favorite adventures as I read The Hobbit, always followed immediately afterward by reading The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Do you remember the beginning? Bilbo, so reluctant to even consider being in “an adventure,” begins to reconsider after hearing the dwarves telling their stories. “Then something Took-ish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick.”

Well, I’m feeling pretty Took-ish myself now and so I’m “all in” for the adventure too. Wanna’ join us?