Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Summing Up the Hobbit Brunch

Although last Saturday's "Hobbit Brunch" didn't draw the numbers we had initially hoped, the 11 of us who did show up for the 1/2 hour Peter Kreeft video, the food and drink, the sparkling conversation, and the long-distance contributions of a couple of good friends (Dr. Gardner from Birmingham, England and and Dr. Tim Sullivan from Indianapolis, Indiana) made for a really terrific morning.

It was a deeply challenging yet deeply encouraging time as we discussed the power of friendship, the confidence Christ bestows on willing warriors, the keen edge of spirituality that is honed through suffering and purposeful adventure, how the triumph of heaven affects our lives now, the power of art, and more. Wonderful.

Thanks to all who participated: John & Barb, Karla, Quint & Carol; Keith & Carol, Greg, and Tim.

Plans for our next next Saturday brunch discussion are already underway. Will it involve C.S. Lewis? Malcom Muggeridge? Francis Schaeffer? Or yet someone else? Stay tuned.