Thursday, August 04, 2005

"The Jeweler's Shop" Is a Jewel In Itself

As much as I read, it still is rare to have something move me as much as did my reading of The Jeweler’s Shop. For in this brief three-act play, I encountered one of the wisest, most compelling treatments of the sacrament of marriage. It kindled a new appreciation for the beauty and sanctity of marriage in general and it refreshed my resolve to honor God by devoutly adhering to my own marriage vows.

Claire saw how affected I was by The Jeweler’s Shop and so she sat down and read it too. She came in later with tears in her eyes and with the same devotion I had experienced to re-commit herself to the sacred adventure of our marriage.

Now Claire and I have been head over heals in love since the spring of 1970 and our romance gets more intense all the time yet our reading of this simple but provocative play so moved us to a new depth of commitment to each other as well as a new gratitude to the gracious God Who designed marriage that I just had to pass the word on about this truly remarkable read.

Again, it’s brief; it’s challenging; and its exhortation is for us all. Please get a copy of The Jeweler’s Shop soon and let the Lord touch your heart as He did ours through its marvelous mystery.

Oh, the author of this play? It comes from the pen of a Polish priest, named Karol Wojtyla, a man you perhaps know better as Pope John Paul II. The Jeweler’s Shop – don’t pass it by.