Thursday, March 31, 2005

Theresa Schiavo 1963-2005

A proper response to the grisly torture/murder of Terri Schiavo requires more than mere mourning. It also requires a rededication to a firm, well-argued opposition to euthanasia. Therefore, I pass along a few reading recommendations to this end. Joni Eareckson-Tada's When Is It Right to Die?, The Life and Death Dilemma: Families Facing Health Care Choices, and When God Weeps are all particularly profound and enlightening. So too is Malcolm Muggeridge's play, Sentenced to Life and several books by attorney and ethicist Wesley J. Smith. A small booklet On Understanding Brain Death written years ago by Dr. Paul Byrne but still extremely helpful is available (for free) from Vital Signs Ministries. (Send along a request and we will send a copy to you.) In addition to these materials, check out such fine organizations as the International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force for further information.

The tragedy of Terri's inhumane and unnecessary death reveals how far the culture of death has overwhelmed us. We must, in the power and purposes of God, fight back. And that critical third step (after caring and prayer) is to know your stuff. These materials are among the many that can help.