Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Being Held by the Hand of God

Commenting on Psalm 37: 24-25 in chapter 2 of No Little People, Francis Schaeffer writes, “The psalmist sees, as he reviews the past, that the Lord holds His own in His hand. This is not just a psychological projection, a blind leap in the dark, an upper-story experience which is not open to verification. It is the very opposite. We can look into the world and see God acting for His individual people through the might of His hand. This is a beautiful perspective which suddenly changes the world. Instead of living in the modern consensus, surrounded by the impersonal, I live in a personal environment and am more than a speck tossed to and from by impersonal chance.”

I've started reading No Little People in the Complete Works of Francis Schaeffer (5 volumes, of which I've only managed to find 3) and I'm finding it quite good -- enlightening, provocative, comforting, and challenging. But rather than read the whole book through, I'm doing it as Schaeffer himself suggests in the preface; that is, go through one chapter only at a sitting.  I'm finding it a valuable part of my first month of the year reading.